The targets are just cardboard sheets. The vitals are backed up with a 2'x2'x4" piece of ethafoam. I think they project an image on to the cardboard, trace the outline and important features, then paint them up, but I am not sure. If somebody does all of them by hand on his or her own, I am even more impressed than I already am!
This shoot is always the weekend after Compton. I don't shoot much at Compton because it is way too crowded. I don't mind at all because I know I will be shooting to my hearts content at MTB the next weekend. there is unlimited shooting on these 20-30 2 D targets and the 30 3D target course. The camping area at MTB is also first rate, tou are in big oaks and pines, not cooking in the middle of a giant field! If a guy wanted to take a family vacation to Michigan and bookend it on the weekends with Compton and MTB, that would be perfect! Lots of blue ribbon trout streams, great lakes big water fishing, inland bass, pike, and walleye fishing. Also wine country tours, the Makinac Bridge, Mackinaw Island and Fort Michilimacinac, Taquamenon Falls, Pictured Rocks, the Soo Locks--LOTS to see and do here for a week!