Thouroughly enjoyed the hunt down there. It was hot, as mentioned, but I saw fourteen hogs and learned a lot about hunting them. It was also really enjoyable wandering around the swamp.
We had what my dad called a slough a couple of miles behind the house when I was growing up and chased coons in it a lot, but this was different. The heat is manageable if you are in decent shape and stay hydrated. I carried two water bottles with me on each trip and kept more in the jeep within walking distance.
Another thing I did was use one of those "cool-dana's". They go by different names, but have something in them that soaks up water then lets it out slowly. Evaporation helps keep you cooler.
Thanks for the comments on the story. I like it when others share, so thought I would add my story for others to see. Glad everyone enjoyed it.