George, I live smack dab in the middle of Hatrick, Maryland. Population of only 5 and we like to hide our location from the general public. For those that have ventured here unannounced, some have never been seen again. :eek:
Ron, as has been pointed out, there is a rather large contingent of traditional shooters in the area. In fact, as Raineman and I were just discussing last night, it's pretty amazing how many of us live in such close proximity.
You will have an excellent range within 10 - 15 miles of where you'll be living, and more public bowhunting only ground than you'll be able to hunt in one season.
As Rich suggested, look us up (figuratively, George) when you get in town.
We have an all traditional shoot planned for the Heart of Maryland Club on September 13th. The Traditional Bowhunters of Maryland will also be holding their fall meeting there that day. A great time for you to meet a lot of people.
We might even be inclined to allow cantankerous old coots from PA to attend. :D