As I have Posted before, I had ordered a kajikastik from JD Lund at whisperstik bows, I posted the pics JD sent me when she was all finished up!! Well she arrived home today, I spent some time taking pics for you all and then set her to play with me!!( with a few pics in between) I was nervous a all #$** about ordering a bow so short! RC limbs are 56" 55#@ 28"( I draw 29") Long bow limbs 60" 57#@ 28"! Well the recurve was first to be set up! Including limb mount selway,and arrows! Let me tell you that I was nervous for nothing! draw was smooth as butter all way back to anchor, she spit the 635gr po cedar out faster than what I'm used to, no hand shock, and was as quiet as my monarch(monarch is the bow I measure all bows agenst as far as quiet) and the cool thing was she hit where i was looking!! then the curiosty got the best of me, so I set up the longbow limbs as i was losing 8" from my monarch! well again, fast,smooth as butter,no hand shock, very quiet, the arrows I have for the long bow are po cedars ,tapered and weight 685gr, and she also hit where i was looking! WOW!! The pics do not do this bow justace! also JD made up a fleese camo carry case for this bow,which is beautiful!! Thanks JD!!!!! His craftmenship, and artistic talent show thru and thru on this bow!! Also his love of bowhunting is built in and shows in his work!! JD Your The man!! Thanks again for all you have done,I just can't say enough about your bows!! Jim