well, its a crappy rainy day up here. i was watchin cartoons with my daughter when i saw the mail truck.
i'll spare a long winded story, but all i can say is WOW!! this thing is amazing. its light as a feather,and fits like a glove.
i strung it and ran outside to shoot a few arras.
(after i put my daughter down for a nap) hahah
its everybit as fast and as dead in hand as i hoped it would be!! maybe even faster!! and to top it all off, my goldtp 35/55 w/ 200 up front flew pretty darn well. so i shouldnt have to hard a time setting her up... LIFE IS GOOD!!!
oh, i just want to thank Kevin and Sue for being so wonderful to deal with. and also thanks to whip, for helping me through the process!! your work is much appreciated!
so, what do ya think??? im hopin to find some snakeskins for the limbs. any sugggestions? i dont know anything about snakes.