Having started hunting in Ohio nearly 2 dozen years ago the crossbow was always legal during this time frame. Funny thing is, though, that the deer herd just keeps getting bigger. They estimate 600,000 plus for this coming season.
I was given a broken Barnett Demon 21 years ago and sold about 1000 blackpowder conicals I had cast to buy the parts to fix it. It got me into the field because I knew I wasn't good enough to hunt with a traditional bow. With one child on the way and 4 more to soon follow and the strong desire to hunt it would do just fine. During all the time spent hunting with it I've yet to stumble upon a deer left to rot with a crossbow bolt sticking out of it. Only stumbled upon those fresh deer I had shot with a bolt sticking out of it. Actually, most of the time the boldt had sliced clean through the animal. It is a tool and it works.
I can believe a man can shoot a compound bow a dozen times and be ready to hunt with it. With all the bells and whistles it is akin to shooting a 22 rifle. If you've practiced enough with a rifle you can easily be proficient with a compound, quickly. They are a tool and they work.
I've always wanted to be an archer, though, so the last 3 years have been spent without the guns and crossbow. The bows, either primative or traditional, are my sole pursue now. I believe I can be proficient with it at this point, too, though it has taken a lot of work. They are tools and they work. But they are the type of tools we want to use.
I hate to break this to you gentlemen but we live in an instant gratification society. Crossbows and compounds are here to stay. On top of that game laws don't revolve around sticks and strings. Our enjoyment does but those who need to keep the legislators and insurance companies from breathing down their necks are constantly looking for more ways to put boots in the field and tags on the growing deer, or whatever else, population.
And, when my son or daughter, who doesn't shoot a traditional bow well enough to hunt with, wants to hunt with me I will gladly hand them the old Barnett Demon whilst a slender piece of wood is held in mind and we will go to the woods to make a good time of it. Ethically, at that.