We had our monthly club meeting last month so I asked for the ok to host a "Trad fun shoot". I explained that what I had in mind was charging participants on fee to shoot as much as they wanted for the weekend, that this would be limited to traditional equiptment only and there would likely be other "traditional" type events and games along with it. I explained that this would not necessarily be a money maker for the club, but we would charge what ever was necessary to cover target depreciation. They thought it was a great idea and gave me the green light to go for it.
We didn't spend the time to dicide on a price but $13 pr day or $25 for the weekend was mentioned, so it would likely be in that ball park.
So, depending upon what the rest of you decide to do, My club would be willing to and probably will host a shoot.
If I had to guess at this time I would say that it would be on or about the weekend of the 23rd and 24th of June and, although I'd love to have one out in a remote part of the badlands, we would probably have it at our outdoor range the 1st year.