Have you ever had a bow that no matter what it just didn't fit you or shoot for you???
I have a bow just like that, it is a well made 64"longbow, very pretty, but I could just never click with it...
It has pretty much hung as a wallhanger since last Oct. when I picked it up. I have thought of selling it.
2 days ago, my 19 year old son Joshua asked if he could shoot it. Joshua has yet to hear the call of the bow like I did; but as I recall, it was about the same age for me, roughly 19 years, that I first heard the siren's call of the bow.
Josh has also made some bad decisions as of late, but he needs to find his own way on this earth.
He asked for some arrows, I gave him an old glove and he went out to shoot.
I watched him thru the window, beaming with pride as I watched him handle the stout bow with the ease of a young, strong man; no longer a child, but always, "my" child.
I watched in silence as he proceeded to put arrow after arrow into the bale, most in good groups, but like his Dad, some flyers now and then.
I smiled as I watched and critiqued his form from afar, Dang, he shoots just like me, same draw, same form, same little tilt of the head as he hits anchor...Seems all the time watching me shoot rubbed off a bit.
He shot for about 45 minutes.
Last night he asked to use it again.
He shot well, I shot with him, we played "follow the arrow". Father and son, shooting together.
No words were spoken other than the occasional praise I would give him when earned with a good shot.
I came in, he shot on.
handling the 60# bow with the ease and fluidness of someone who has not had the years to over-analyze his shooting; he was simply enjoying watching his arrows fly.
This morning, after breakfast I wrote a small inscription on the bow, " Good shooting" Love Dad 2007.
I then told him it was his. No, this bow will NOT be sold, it has found a home.
I love you son.
BD ( aka "Dad")