My first bows were from the "dime store" and were hickory, with a red-and-white striped string and arrows with rubber suction cups. Those were removed immediately, of course.
My first hunting bow was a solid fiberglass Bear longbow, ambidextrous, 40# draw. I bought it from one of my older brother's friends (he upgraded to a recurve) for $5, in 1962 or 1963. For arrows I went to Western Auto, where I could buy cheapo cedar arrows for under a dollar, or hunting arrows with Bear razorheads already mounted on them for about $1.50 each, as I recall. I could never afford more than three at a time. I still have an old blister pack of 6 Bear broadheads from around that time, unopened, marked 45 cents each. The bow is long gone.
The deer were pretty safe.