I needed a vet the past few days. One of my good pack horses has pneumonia. My vet was here a couple of days ago to do health inspections and make out travel papers for this trip and things looked good. The horse had some mildly increased breath sounds bilaterally but was afebrile. I told the vet I noticed this horse had a cough the day before. Yesterday the horse is major sick, rapid breathing with contractions, coughing up green phlegm, did not take his temp. I have been giving him 3 million units of IM PCN the past two days and he is better but I don't want to rely on him to get me up the mountain. I have another horse that has developed arthritis in his shoulders. I have been giving him IV Legend and he is better but not going to be fit for the trip. I am going to be a horse short for this trip. I can load em up a bit heavier and we will get to camp but I hate to have too bulky of top loads, just asking for trouble.
I did the main part of my grocery run today and did a little cooking.
Some of my favorite camp fare, Shrimp, chicken and cajun sausage gumbo with rice. Easy fixins that will warm you up on a cold night in elk camp.
I have help too. Thor is a 98 pound boxer. He is my constant companion, especially when I cook because he knows good things fall his way from time to time when I am in the kitchen.
I have been busy with horses putting loaded packs on them and getting some miles on them. I think we are about ready horsewise. I need to repair some broken straps and lead ropes from my training practices but pretty much ready to go equipmentwise too. I still have to pack my clothes, camp boxes, arrow and bow boxes and get a couple dozen broadheads ready for me, my son and Eric. I will wait to load the trailers until Al gets here. I have meetings to attend after work on Monday and Tuesday so there isn't much time in the schedule between now and when we leave Friday afternoon. It will go by fast.