On my morning run, I decided to go to the public woods where i do a good bit of bowhunting and turkey hunting and it was great. When i first got out of the truck i heard a hoot owl and I think he was saying "I haven't seen you in a while".
I left the truck at daylight and havent gone 100 yards down the trail and saw my first deer. Total I saw 17 deer, about 30 hogs, 13 turkets, two moccasins, one chipmunk, lots of squirrels and one rattlesnake. I covered a little over five miles and had a blast. I enjoy running those gravel roads and watching animals go thru with their daily routine, it makes me appreciate things in life much more. I only wish i could take my camera with me on mornings like this to capture nature when its waking up, the light fog in the hardwood sloughs, deer eating on the vegatation and slipping up to within 10 yards of hogs tearing up a mudhole on the side of the road. I will be back on those roads in a couple of days, not just for fitness purposes but for a relaxation of my thoughts and how much i cherish the outdoors and how lucky we are to live a country that we can do such things.