Originally posted by the real bowdoc:
well said fatman.Keep the wind in your face and puff away if thats would you choose to do.Smokers always get game because of that reason they always seem to have the wind in their face.I chew so I never get any game because I never have the wind in my face or I got spit in my eyes.bd
Doc. That's to funny, but your right, 95% of my hunting is from the ground and I use my stogy as a constant wind detector, hunting into or across the wind.
I do believe they some time's smell it ( how could they not :p ) but I also believe it does not alarm them at all, they know what smoke is, and smoke has never jumped on there back, so I don't think it gives them any cause for alarm.

Is there really a better nose than a hogs, I think not.

I have killed a few bucks while I was smoking a cigar in a tree, they came right in.

This is the Hope Bow for 2007 and I just shot the buck below, this buck bedded down @ 25 yards for almost a hour, I set the cigar in a fork and it went out, but it's time to relight it now :D

Derek, is my nephew and is just now getting into Trad Bowhunting, I know he respects a lot of the opinions here on Tradgang.
I think it's one of those mystery questions, they have to smell it some times yet, it does not seem to bother them.
If I was hunting out of the same tree every day, I might think twice about lighting up a cigar, but if they smell the cigar, they my not get alarmed, as it's just smoke.
Young buck are you bring a box for are Elk hunt? I'll show you my technique, they actually come runing to me