But just like in any activity, excess often causes damage.
As for the study on shooting heavy bows to see if they cause injury/damage, well good luck on that one. But I'll bet if you polled the folks on this site to see how many shot heavy bows in the past and who have had shoulder injuries, there would be a definate correlation. [/QB][/QUOTE]
Excess of anything will lead to damage. Heck, my pinky finger hurts from pounding this keyboard! :D I truly do believe that if we polled members here there WOULD be many who shot heavy bows who now have shoulder problems. You would have to control for all the variables to determine a direct correlation however. Was that about all they did for exercise? (Yo-Yo Ma has back problems from playing the cello. He has to perform exercises now for his other side). How was their form? History of arthritis or joint problems in the family? etc. There is nothing inherently true or incontrovertible in the statement: "I am protecting my shoulders by shooting a lighter bow." I could be shooting a 62# bow with less stress on my joints than someone shooting a 45# bow; particularly if 62#s is a light weight for me, do you see what I am saying? I think we all would agree that shooting a bow the wrong way for our body is bad for it.
Once again though, I am not meaning to insult anyone for shooting a light bow. I did exhort those to who it applies to get in better shape-that is a good thing, and I am challenging the belief that my shooting a bow that is comfortable for me, though it be heavy, will likely cause shoulder problems down the road. Lastly, anyone who is an ethical hunter is welcome in my camp. Oh! Again, had I not wanted to hunt moose in NH, I would be shooting a 50-55 lb bow. I don't shoot a 70 or 80 pounder because I like a lightweight 62! :D Peace!