Thanks Don for posting the link, but the site is a bit dated now, and I need to spend some $$$ and time working on it. If anyone needs to contact me, you can link to my email on my profile, or PM me.
I've always played music, and any musician knows how song can take you places unlike almost anything else. There's a bunch of radio songs I've heard that remind me of certain seasons....among other things. When I did my "Feathers" album, it was my hope that someone would someday pull it out of a stack of old dusty CD's, plug it in, and the music might take them back to some memory of a hunt or time afield in the past. That is the greatest compliment, I think I could ever get from making music....and I'm sure that Jim Bowman, and Chad Slagle would agree with me.
Love the looks of that flute. I've been playing around with those as well.....soothing and beautiful sounds they make for sure. Music is surely a gift from God, but I would encourage any of you guys and gals to take it up if possible. It really helps pass the time, and cheer the soul....for me anyway. I never regret any of the time I spent learning it. And we're always learning.