Okay, I have to get 4 bows, because I can't narrow it down to just 3. I need 3 dream bows for hunting and shooting and one to fulfill my fantasy of having the prettiest bow made. These are not listed in any particular order of preference. For specific purposes, I might choose a bow that is slightly different than the specific models I have listed. For instance, to hunt cape buffalo in Africa I chose a Super Shrew Samurai with a Bow Bolt because of its heavier poundage, but it is very similar to its little brother, the Shrew Classic Hunter listed below. For the vast majority of my hunting I would choose the Classic Hunter over the Super Shrew.
Morrison Mini-14 ILF with foam/carbon limbs (interchangeable longbow and recurve limbs, adjustable for poundage and tiller). The most versatile of my favorites.
Shrew Classic Hunter with foam/carbon limbs and Bow Bolt (light, quick, short, great grip, easiest to pack for travel). The most comfortable to use all day long and most fun to shoot of my favorites.
Brackenbury Peerless (Bill Howland's latest design). The smoothest, quietest, most shock free bow I have ever shot, and it does all that without sacrificing speed. This bow combines many of the best characteristics of a target bow and a hunting bow and would be my first choice for 3D shoots.
Blacktail Snakebit (the most beautiful bow ever built). The Snakebit would not have made this list if I were picking my dream bows for shooting, even though it is a great shooting bow. For hunting or shooting targets, I would grab one of the other three bows I have listed before I got to the Snakebit. But the Snakebit is the bow I dream of at night when I think of the most beautiful objects in the world. It is truly a work of art that makes an archer fall in love at first sight! I could just sit around and look at mine all day. I do like to shoot it; however, it is much to pretty to risk ever damaging it.
All of these bows are amazing. I know there are other really good ones out there, but these are the bows of my dreams!