6:30 pm, getting kinda dark and not much time left, I heard a twig crackle up the hill. There is a big tree in the way so I can't see but I think there is a pig coming down the trail. I saw a bird flush nearby and I realized something is certainly happening. I looked back up the hill after not being able to see what's on the other side of the tree and saw a black Boar coming down the trail. He dissapeared behing the tree as well so I just turned my attention to the "Pit" There was a hog right there already! It snuck in on me while I was staring up the hill. I thought to myself I can take this one right now, I have a perfect shot. I had a feeling the black one was bigger so I waited for it. Sure enough when it came in it came right up behing the first one and gave it a sniff from behind. I knew that was my Boar.
I was shaking like a leaf trying to find my shot. The other Hog was in the way blocking the shot. I must have drew back my 55# Howatt at least five times and didn't take the shot because it was iffy. Breathe, breathe. Finally... right there... yeah, I drew back, found my spot, and let her rip. Thwack!!! about a 15 yd shot, I was sure my arrow found it's mark.
The Hogs ran right back up the hill where they came from and I could see them kinda spin around a little maybe 50 yds away just inside some thicker cover.
I was a little worried when I climbed down and checked the spot where I shot... no arrow, no blood.I figured well I know where they ran so I just headed up there. Now I got blood, lots of blood. Easy track right to him. Sweet! Piled up maybe 50 yds away right where I saw him spin.
Perfect shot, the 125 grn Snuffer went right through it's heart and passed through the other side.