Wool is wool-you either like it or you don't and, unfortunately, the best of it is high dollar. I like wool, but I also like good fleece, Goretex and cotton at times. I bought the Columbia Gallatin "blend" at first because I didn't see paying the high cost of the other brands. I found it unsatisfactory in terms of pattern (no contrast), warmth (wind blows right through it) and how it held up to rain (not warm). Got rid of it all. Then I got a KOM vest, which is lined with some sort of wind-resistant stuff, and I love it. It is the single warmest layering garment I've ever owned, surpassing even my old Filson vest. Last season I bought a Sleeping Indian Shirt Jac and I love that, too.
Here's the thing about good, 100% natural wool: other fabrics can do the various things that wool does, but none of them do it all. Wool is quiet, shapes to you for comfort, stays warm if it gets wet, breaths when it is warm, insulates when it is colder, doesn't hold odors and doesn't reflect light so it's good camouflage. And yes, the better stuff is worth the money as you will have it for many years.