Just got a new to me bow today and man is it sweet!! I posted about it earlier but this is a better description.
It says on the top limb: Dick Palmer
Bottom limb: 55# @ 28"
AMO 68"
??-14 (Cant make out the two letters in front of the numbers, I am sure they are a standard for something)
Looks to be a Bocote(guess) riser with elm(another guess) limbs under a clear glass.
All I know is that it shoots great, I glued some judo points on some wood shafts to giver a go. The first shot was dead middle of a clover top at 15 steps. The next shot was a bit off but the third shot was in the middle again. This time a oak leaf that foolishly landed in the yard!! Anyway had a blast and I just dont know what I been missing!!
Anybody have any idea what kind of bow that I have????