Well Doug had to head back to Montana around one. Woody, Joe, and I headed out to fish the lower section of the Cottonwood in the afternoon. We all had great fun...but with a handle like Tippit on Trad Gang you can just imagine my excitement to be wading this beautiful creek. I truely lost count of the number of rainbows and cutbows I caught.
Now I had to faced a decision:
1) The fishing was Soooo Gooood!!!
2) The antelope were very dispersed this year with how green the prairie was.
3) I love fly fishing equally as well as bow hunting.
Usually this kind of decision doesn't crop up as the seasons don't compete with each other. Now what to do...my 4wt Winston with hoppers bouncing off the bank to stealthy waiting trout hiding in the under cut called the loudest in my head. I would fish the next two days and wade most of the 13 miles of the Cottonwood! Thanks Vance...Doc