Edwin's 1st hunt was today. He lives about 20 miles away and only gets to shoot with me on saturdays when soccer or Weblos isn't taking priority. Today was our first chance to actually get some woods time in. Our plan was to go to some public land near my house and see what targets presented themselves.
It is a bowhunting only area and doesn't get much pressure. Since this was as much a learning trip as a hunting trip we went between 10 am and 2 pm. I knew there would be lots of questions and my plan was by going in the middle of the day we would be able to talk and not worry about distubing other hunters.
When we got to the parking area there were two trucks there already but before we left the truck the other two guys came out for lunch. With them gone we had the area to ourselves and wouldn't have to worry about disturbing anyone's hunt.
Getting ready to go

Didn't see any small game or deer but still had plenty of targets

Edwin enjoyed picking out deer tracks. This one was impressive.

This is his hand for comparrison

Wrapped up the day with a bag full of trash. I explained we wanted to leave the woods better than how we found them. I think he understands.

We only spent 4 hours in the woods but I know Edwin had a good time. He saw his 1st scrape and deer tracks. We looked hard for a rub but no luck. Hopefully, we will actully get to see some live game next time.