Just wanted to tell you all thanks for the knowledge you have shared with me on my return to traditional archery. I was blessed, as i am sure many of you have been to have a father who took me hunting from the time i could walk in the woods, even though he had to wait on me, cause i couldnt keep up. I killed my first deer when i was 10 and my first with abear recurve at 14. HE slowly kept up with advances and moved on to compounds and i was grateful to get his old equipment. After using the modern stuff up until last year and having lots of deer around being sucessul every year was very common, and every couple of years i might even get a nice buck, but the excitement was fading. Now i am back on the ground with a recurve or a long bow and wooden arrows that i build after buying raw shafts, and i am as excited as when i was a kid. Being 46 years old now the kill isnt nearly as important as the experience. I hunt for the enjoyment and the meat. WE eat 2 deer a year at our house and the horns are nice but i cant get them to cook up very well.Last year was the first deer i had shot from the ground with traditional archery equipment since i was young, just a doe but i tell that story more than any other. I will try to video some hunts this year , even hope to shoot a coon out to the dogs with the bow, hopefully i will have some pics and video to share and again thanks to everyone who has given advice and sympathy after the fox bite,NOW THAT WAS FUNNY. THANKS TO THE GUYS WHO SET THIS SITE UP AND KEEP IT GOING.