Spotted some pork up ahead headed to my right. They were feeding kinda fast and I new I would never get to them quietly so I made a loop ahead of them and waited behind a huge Tupelo Tree. Took about 3 minutes.Pigs came across in front of me and I put the sneak on a few yards forward and heard the arrow make a loud crack!The pig ran into the palmettos and all was quiet...
After about a 50 yard snufferized blood trail there lay a fine grill pig.
My first critter since I had eye surgery. The Lord has Blessed me.
Only a mile and a quarter from the truck so out came the meat sack and in a few minutes the pig was boned out and in the backpack.
Got Brother John to pose for a pic...
Found a tree on the way out I will check again for sure in a about a month or so..
Went by a wet slew and found this fella "cooling". Bad pic but thats a Fawn enjoying a swim.
Another good hunt on Public land.RC