Actualy you are shooting very well,however you state that 80% is "unexceptable" to you. Well then, what you need to do is move closer to the target untill you can hit 100%. Then you must except that as your maximum effective range,and stick to it. Untill you learn to except "your" limitations with traditional equipment,you will continue to use your compound as a "crutch".
Case in point.....
This year since Jan. I have been working almost non-stop,7 day weeks,2-4 double shifts a week, what little time off I have must be divided between sleep and family. Now don't get me wrong,I am NOT complaining!!!!! I thank God every day that I have a good job. However, things being the way they are,I have not even touched my bow this year.
Even though,I'm not concerned. I have shot traditional bows for many years,and I know that with a couple days of practice I'll be back in the "kill zone". However,my common sense will move me back up to 10 yards,and my max range will remain 10 yards for this year.
The limited range does not cause me any concern at all. When your sitting on a rock and a deer passes by so close that the tip of the broadhead that is nocked on the string of the bow sitting in your lap,brushes through it's hair like the teeth of a comb. THEN you will really know what bowhunting is all about.