I killed my first deer with a bow in 1979 at age 18; it was a doe. I was as proud of that deer as I could possibly be. My family, friends, and I have taken a lot of deer since then, and all on public land--we are blessed with plenty of public land in Arkansas. We were happy with any legal deer we took with our bows back then--I mean thrilled. I still am.
My teenage nephew killed a deer last year with his bow. His dad and others were on him because he took a legal doe. They were joking, but I could tell it hurt him. It seems now a days if you don't wait for a trophy buck you are not a good hunter. Even on some public land they have strict antler point limits. I call this "The Outdoor Channel Syndrome). Hey, I really like that channel, but I will probably never be able to pay to hunt like that if I wanted to. I love to watch Fred on Sunday.
Some people are privileged to be able to manage the herd, and I'm sure they work hard to do this. This is great if that is what they want. However, it seems the rest of us better want it too if public land is going to be managed that way. Most hunters are lucky to just get a few days to hunt. They are happy just to take any deer.
I'm not knocking anyone here. I hope I'm not jealous because I don't have a tract of land to manage. However, I believe the hunting community places way to much on taking only trophy animals. Well, you can take "cull" bucks, too. I never liked that term.
I think if you want to hunt trophies, great. However, I believe all legal deer are trophies.
It seems now days you can buy a Boone and Crockett buck; does that mean anything anymore?
Do any of you guys feel this way or do you think only monster bucks are where it's at?