Josh and I spent some quality time out in the back yard this afternoon. He's got some work to do on his form, but for now, I'm just glad he's so interested!
One big bubby is all grown up and in the Air Force, one is going on 16 and could care less about anything other than cars and girls, and his 12 year old big sissy just ain't diggin the archery scene either...
Thanks again to Loyd Lippert for the dandy little MoJam kid's bow! Up until this year, Josh was content just to help dad pull arrows, but now he wants to shoot whenever I do!
Nocking the arrow still requires a little concentration... :rolleyes:

We'll work on this part later... :cool:

Considering where he released from, not a bad follow-through!

Oh...almost forgot to add... Josh isn't quite sure yet whether our first hunting trip together should be a bear hunt, or a chicken hunt. It's still up in the air. (Grandpa's got chickens just up the road, so they're close and easy!)