Well the time is near for the whitetail opener here in NH. I had some good luck with my 54# Wesley Special during a boar hunt this past spring, but, something just didn't seem "right"
A 70# Wesley I used during the late season the previous year was all I needed, but somehow, someway I convinced myself that I did not need 850g arrows and a 70# bow for the type of hunting that I do. So off went the 70# for a 54# Hill, then a curve, then back to a 55# Hill. With the Hill Bow in hand I'm under the impression that I'm "ready" , not invincible or B. Ferguson but "ready"
Somehow 55#'s, though, did'nt seem right. Made it seem as though I was not ready for the boars that I love to hunt. Even though that weight is plenty for them.
So 5-lams of 68" tempered bamboo to the tune of 75#'s, a hard piece of Gaboon Ebony, some black glass, and 850g tapered Hickory wearing 190g Grizzlys, named after my daughter is now here to fix what was not broken in the first place. 17days + a few hours till "season"