I've used the Lansky for 15 years and I got knives sharp too.There is a reason why it's cheaper than the KME.It is built cheaper,not as well designed and not as easy to use.You also don't have Ron,spending time teaching you all the fine points of using it.Every time I've talked to the guy I've learned something new and often it was about some aspect of the game not related to sharpening.
The KME has a better clamp and the clamp has reference marks so you can orient your blade the same each time.If you sharpen your knife in a Lansky and go to resharpen it months later,you can't be sure you have it in the clamp the same way.If it is in the clamp slightly different the next time,you have slightly changed the angle and have a lot of coarse stoning to do to get it back.
The Lansky has holes for 20,25,and 30 degrees.If your knife doesn't fall exactly on those numbers,again,you have a lot of coarse stoning to do,just to set the angle before you can begin to develop an edge.Unlike the Lansky,the KME has a sliding adjustment to set the angle and you can adjust it to any fraction of an angle to match any blade.You just blacken your blade edge,take a couple strokes and if you need a half degree more or less angle,set it.This is a big advantage.In the end,you will be removing less steel with each sharpening,which will extend the life of your knife.
Comparing the Lansky to the KME is like apples to oranges.Anybody in the market for a used Lansky?