FYI...already been down that road. When I used to shoot 3d with compounds back 10-12 years ago we tested everything imaginable fletching drag, vanes vs. feathers,etc. etc. Also tested arrows that were 5% FOC vs ones that were 20% FOC...These arrows had same impact point out to fifty yards. The reason for the test was because people were saying you could only use about 12 to 15 % FOC, any more would cause the arrow to nose dive. That's a big part of the reason they were pushing the 85 and 100 grain broadheads for carbon arrows was to keep the FOC down under 12%. That was a load of bull then and its a load of bull now. Just because we have fun with it doesn't mean that we haven't given any thought to the process or tested things out. I don't take to the woods with anything that I haven't given full thought and consideration to. For the record I shoot a carbon arrow with a 125 grain adapter and 125 grain glue on woodsman for and FOC of 23%. Does it fly like a dart? No, it flies like an arrow. Is it the perfect arrow? Only when its bloody from one end to the other... :D :D :D