Just a thought, but those Grizzlys are considerably longer than the Ribteks, aren't they? Going to play heck with "point on"...
Here's a parable about testing.
A scientist wanted to learn about the leaping abilities of frogs. To do so, he placed a frog on his laboratory table, stood behind the frog and shouted, "jump, frog, jump!" The frog jumped. The scientist carefully measured the distance of that first leap. He consistently repeated this procedure a number of times to provide reliable and valid statistical research.
He then surgically removed one of the front legs of the frog. Placing the frog on the table, the scientist once again stood behind him and yelled, „jump, frog, jump!" Again, responding to the noise, the frog leaped forward and the scientist carefully measured the distance. The scientist had the frog jump with three legs a number of times to gather his scientific data. He then surgically removed another leg of the frog and repeated the experiment. He repeated each step of the experiment, measuring the ability of the frog to jump with four, then three, then two, then one leg. Finally, the scientist cut off the last leg and placed the frog on the table, stood behind the frog and yelled, `jump, frog, jump!" Not surprisingly, the frog did not leap. The scientist yelled again but there was no response. The scientist finally stomped his feet, clapped his hands, and screamed as loudly as he could, but still the frog did not move.
The scientist reflected on what he had seen and contemplated the meaning of this experiment. Finally, he sat up straight in his chair, and with an excited expression on his face that disclosed his discovery of new scientific insight, he wrote down, "After amputation of all four legs, frog became deaf."