I have been attempting to break rock for a couple of years now. When I started, I was graced with a huge amount of generousity from people on here. Time to give a bit back.
I have numerous types of rock. Assorted spalls...noviculite, flint, obsidian...its all workable. Arrowhead sized, so if you do well you may even hunt with it.
I will include an instructional DVD, and enough rock to get ya started. I dont have any tools to pass on though...but Im sure if there is a need, I can pm instructions on making your own.
So here is the deal, add your name if knapping is something you want to learn or practice. This giveaway is for a newbie to the knapping world, so those of you who already have a fair grasp on breaking rock, please pass it along.(Dont worry, another giveaway planned for everyone

I will let this run for a week, so Monday the 7th I will draw a name.
Thanks for playing.