Tonight the U.S. Senate voted to end debate on the nomination of one of the most outspoken animal rights, anti-hunting, and anti- Second Amendment individuals to a high government position. By a 63-35 vote, cloture was invoked and debate stopped on the nomination of Cass Sunstein to serve as the head of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA).
Of the 63 senators that voted in favor of Sunstein, an anti-hunter, 22 were members of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus, or 42 percent.
The vote was held despite the efforts of Senator Johnny Isakson (R- GA) to place a “hold” on the nomination of Sunstein.
The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance (USSA) and the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) made this confirmation fight a top priority. These efforts were also aided by many conservation groups from around the nation such as: National Shooting Sports Foundation, Masters of Foxhounds Association of North America, Fur Takers of America, National Trappers’ Association, Conservation Force, Shikar Safari Club, Mule Deer Foundation, Delta Water Fowl Foundation, Pope and Young Club, Dallas Safari Club, Whitetails Unlimited, Inc., Houston Safari Club, Texas Wildlife Association, and the Wild Sheep Foundation.
The efforts of those groups and many others were instrumental in persuading Sen. Isakson to attempt placing a “hold” on Sunstein.
“We are disappointed with the outcome of tonight’s vote, especially that so many members of the Senate claiming to be pro-sportsman voted in favor of a nominee who has expressed that recreational hunting could be banned,” stated USSA President and CEO Bud Pidgeon. “Nonetheless, the USSA and our partners had an obligation to fight this appointment. Sportsmen all across America will clearly be able to see which senators, along with Sen. Isakson, were willing to stand up for them.”
The USSA and others argued for weeks that Sunstein’s views on giving animals standing in court and banning recreational hunting would pose an intolerable threat to sportsmen given the critical position the OIRA has in the implementation of all federal rules.
If it says CSC they are also members of the Congressional Sportsmens' Caucus
Akaka- Hawaii
Baucus- Montana CSC
Bayh- Indiana
Begich- Alaska CSC
Bennett- Colorado
Bennett- Utah CSC
Bingaman- New Mexico
Boxer- California
Brown- Ohio
Burris- Illinois
Byrd- W Virginia
Cantwell- Washington
Cardin- Maryland
Carper- Deleware
Casey- Pennsylvania CSC
Collins- Maine CSC
Conrad- N Dakota CSC
Dodd- Connecticutt
Dorgan- N Dakota CSC
Durbin- Illinois CSC
Feingold- WI
Gillibrand- NY CSC
Gregg- NH CSC
Hagan- NC CSC
Harkin- Iowa CSC
Hatch- Utah CSC
Inouye- Hawaii
Johnson-South Dakota CSC
Kaufman- Deleware
Kerry- Massachusetts
Landrieu- Louisiana CSC
Lautenberg- New Jersey
Leahy- Vermont
Levin- Michigan
Lieberman- Conn
Lugar- Indiana
McCaskill- Missouri
Menendez- N Jersey
Merkley- Oregon
Mikulski- Maryland
Murray- Washington
Nelson- Florida
Nelson- Nebraska CSC
Reed- Rhode Island
Rockefeller- WV CSC
Sanders- Vermont CSC
Schumer- New York
Shaheen- N Hampshire
Snowe- Maine CSC
Specter- Pennsylvania
Stebenow- Michigan CSC
Tester- Montana CSC
Udall- Colorado CSC
Udall- N Mexico CSC
Voinovich- Ohio
Warner- Virginia
Whitehouse- Rhode Island
Wyden- Oregon
I'm telling you boys and girls...I know most of you haven't voted very much if at all in your lifetime. You never thought it was important.
Well, you are reaping what you've sown now.
The people above, who say they are members of the Sportsmens' Caucus, have lied. They were members of the Sportsmens' Caucus when it could get them something- but when the chips are down they're just selling us out for whatever reason.
Whatever your politics- don't misunderstand me, this isn't about left or right. They're both bad...just plain bad.
Politics has changed- in my father's time politics was for captains of industry, military heroes, educators of merit- people who'd done something with their lives and wanted to give back to the country they felt they owed so much to for their success.
Now they vote for their own pay raises, make laws that you and I have to live with, but excuse themselves from the same laws- Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, and Sexual Harrassment and Discrimination Laws- bet you didn't know your congressman or senator can't be sued for that did you?
Politics is now a business- people go to college to get a degree in political science or law- get out and get started on their path to the gravy train.
Serve up through the ranks and get to congress- spend one term and they get retirement at full pay for life, medical coverage- in short, it's a gravy train.
The only problem with that is they've never so much as balanced a checkbook, let alone ever run anything as complicated as a business or a country before.
Now they decide how billions are spent each day- and like the poor fool who thinks if he has checks left over in his checkbook he just CAN'T be out of money, they're spending our future like drunken sailors on everything that gets them reelected but is not in our country's best interest- only their own.
It's time to take our country back gentlemen.. at the ballot box. Vote every one of these people out of office- and let's get candidates in there who will vote for term limits- eliminate the pension for congress, and make them have to live with EVERY law they make for US.
The mods may want to move this to the politics forum, but I'm telling you it's too important now- very few read that and this is the tipping point, boys and girls...we're there.
It's not going to come in ten years- it's not coming in twenty- it's here now. Make up your minds or you'll be too late.