This may wake up some people...if it is not already too late. Anyone who thinks what has happened to this country since January is good is part of the problem.
Ray, you got it 100 percent right. I am one of those few who do vote. I did not vote for the senator who voted for this Freak, nor did I vote for the "chosen one." I understood what he meant by change, and it made me want to vomit. I am afraid for my country, my children and my grandchildren. He has begun that change even more rapidly than I could have imagined. He, along with the helpful hand of Congress is putting into place all those things it will take to bring down a great nation.
The Second Amendment is there to protect us not from bears or burglars but from an all-powerful government. Our forefathers recognized that because they had felt the sting of a tyrant's whip. Apathy is about to hand that whip back to a new and much more cunning tyrant.
Thanks for the post Ray.