I didn't write my Senators, because I already know where they stand on such issues (NAY!). Wildlife regulation got its start in Mississippi, when Theodore Roosevelt declined to shoot a bear that was presented to him, on the grounds that it was unsportsmanlike, which resulted in the "Teddy Bear" when word got around. Teddy went on to found many of the conservation organizations that protect our wildlife and other natural resources through wise use.
I'm normally an optimistic person, but I despair for the future of our "rights" to do what we wish in a free country, whether it be hunting, fishing, or anything else you can name that someone else thinks we shouldn't do. I hate to say it, but some kind of revolution is coming, whether peaceful (I hope) or not. Things are getting too out of balance, and something will correct it.
We live in a redneck society, and I don't mean that in a disparaging way. Rednecks are merely people who spend enough time outdoors to get some sun- farmers, hunters, foresters, fishermen, gardeners, etc. The redneck element exists in every State. These people, my friends, will never allow hunting to be taken from them, any more than they will register or give up their hunting guns or archery equipment. Bows and arrows, guns and ammunition can be manufactured by individuals, and they will be if a ban happens. If hunting is outlawed, we will become outlaws. I will not stop no matter what the government says, and neither will the majority of real Americans who live in touch with the land, who are still the majority in this country, no matter what CNN says! The news media do not represent the real world as most of us experience it.