I was on stand for the second time this season and didn't think I was gonna see anything again....'til about 8:15 PM. I glanced over toward the creek and saw two deer wading through the water about 22-23 yards out, headed toward one lonely shooting lane. I could tell the first one was a young buck with a small(maybe 4 point?) velvet rack and another deer behind him that looked like a doe. As the first deer entered my only shooting lane, I went to draw on him and my arrow holder pulled my arrow nock off of the string! I didn't lose the arrow but the buck was past my opening in the trees. So, I put the arrow back on the string and here comes the doe into the opening. As I draw on her, I give a rather loud bleat with my voice and she stopped dead in her tracks. I'm already at anchor and within a second or two my arrow is on it's way. It feels real good and it looks even better as it disappears somewhere in the front half of the deer's body.
Instantly, she turns around and heads back in the direction she came from at warp speed. I lose sight of her very quickly as it's very thick and grown up all over. After I replay the events in my head and gather my stuff and climb out of my two-man ladder stand, I go over to the creek where she stood when arrow met meat. I look in the direction she ran and I see my arrow laying in the water. The blood has washed off from the current of the flowing creek water except for the white feather....it still has some blood on it.
Now, I have to trail her in the creek but I'm able to find blood on the muddy bottom and on rocks here and there protruding above the surface. Then I'm able to find where she leaves the water:

I then see where she doubles back in the other direction and piles up about ten yards away for a total of about 50 yards from where I put one through her. Here's how I found her:

Sorry I got so long winded over a doe kill, but I'm still very excited and going on adrenaline, especially since I haven't killed anything with trad equipment since I got out of trad about 11 years ago. Got back into it last fall for good though.
A few more pics taken by my wife about 10 yards from where I found the doe:

Thanks for looking and for your patience!