Originally posted by Three Arrows:
Find another tree. It's been this way for years since people found another way to hunt up in a tree other than using branches to stand on. When I see a stand in a tree chained up or otherwise, I just get pissed and move on. I only get pissed because I have to go further, not because the person claimed the spot. It is first come first served as far as I am concerned. Whoever put the stand up did their scouting and work. Why would I want to bust up their hunting? When they are done they will take it down and move. I would rather see someone enjoy a spot for a few hunts than to be a prick and make them hunt once and move. I would rather see them have a nicer hunt because they did not have to put the stand up everyday and risk falling to do so. Sometimes we leave stands chained up to use tomorrow but cannot get to the woods for some reason. Sometimes we are just plain lazy. Its just as lazy to stand around and bitch about it rather than move on down the trail. I do draw the line on someone setting up in a tree next to me while I am occupying the stand. I will also draw the line on someone occupying MY treestand. I will state again: It is not rude to leave a stand in the woods to hunt another day. It has been this way from the time we put stands up by nailing lumber to trees.
That's just the thing. I've also scouted the spot and maybe so have you. Just because someone hangs his stand there doesn't mean he's gotten there first (unless, of course, he's actually in the stand). It just means he's left his stuff.
Where I hunt (central Ohio) I'll estimate that for every stand I've seen with a hunter in it, I've seen 20 empty ones. Just leaving the thing there for weeks at a time because that guy wants to use it first day of gun season has the effect of denying that spot to many of the rest of us that would also like to use that spot when we are in the woods 2-3 days a week before that.
This past year, for example, my son and I had found a great corner spot where deer funneled from food to bedding. There were lots of acorns as well and a great blowdown that made a natural blind to hide in. Each of us had used the spot in the first couple of weeks of the season and then - a month before gun season someone hangs a ladder stand.
I never did see anyone there (even during gun season) but for the rest of the season, I had to move along - didn't want to be a jerk, didn't want to mess up "another's spot" (though we had hunted it first) and didn't want the hassle. I'm just saying that (leaving that stand there) is a crappy way to behave. It's rude.