I got into trad archery a little more than a year ago. I read and re-read the numerous first bow posts and the advice given, started with a lower poundage bow and worked my way up. I followed advice I often saw given and didn't worry about perfectly tuning arrows to get optimal flight until my form was consistant......I am there. I purchased a Bear Takedown Hunter a few months ago, worked with it til I can hold around 10 secs and still group well at 25 yrds. It is 60", 55@28. I tossed around some cheap arrows I bought until I am now ready for new ones.
So here is my question, what arrow should I start with for tuning? I am drawing 31 3/4" and my bow is #62-63 at that length. I am pretty firm on shooting carbon or aluminum. I am shooting 175gr heads, but would be willing to go down to 145gr heads.
Please help me out here,