My setup:
Right handed
28" draw
53# long bow
2016 @ 28 3/4" w/ 125 upfront for a total of 477grns
I thought things were going good until i got to broad head tuning
Bareshafted w/ fp and was what I thought pretty groups. I did have to change my nock point up a little. With shats if was hitting just to left of (2 or 3") with some and some dead on compared to fletch. I have always questions my form, thinking that I can always improve on that to tightn groups up.
Anyway, move on to broad heads(125grn snuffers), after what I thought were ok bareshaft groups. It did show a that I still need to move nock point up alittle. Got that taken care of, BUT it also showed a stiff indication(hitting 5"-6" to left)
I ordered the fp test kit from 3 rivers and commenced to bareshaft again with the different point weights. Found out that I was definitly over spinned w/ the 125's upfront. It really likes the 175s and the 200s. I have recently read that you guys like a little weak bareshaft indication b/c of fletch. Wish I had known that earlier.
My groups have gotten dead on out to 25 yrds. Maybe it wasnt as much me as I thought it was. My bow/arrow/point wt combo was never prperly tuned. My bow is quieter. And the heavier wt upfront hits like a freakn runaway frieght train.
OK with that said, here is my question. To be able to keep my 125 screw in snuffers, and my same arrows. What can I do to bump the wieght up. I have seen the brass inserts @ 3 rivers. Has anyone used these w/ good results? Any other options.
100grns inserts+125 snuffers= 225 up front and a 557 total arrow wt.
That should be real close to the:
20 grn inserts(current installed)+200grn test point= 220grns up front and a 552 grns arrow wt total.
Is this a good whitetail hunting weight?