I have a moose tag this year so my time was going to be limited for hunting anything else and I told myself I wouldn't get picky on antelope and it is an either sex tag.
There were more bucks than does however,so I decided to wait and see what happened.
When the does came just out of my vision,I checked behind them and there stood a nice buck.I had one window open and that was directly in front and I had a view of the gate to my left.
Now the 4 bucks were just on the otherside of the gate opening.The does passed 8 yds in front of my window,to join the 4 bucks and I'm getting tense.
The buck following the does came up to my blind spot,just to the right of the window and locked up.I'm getting real tense.He is at 10 yds, watching his does meet up with the other bucks.All at once he decides to go and broke into a fast walk,almost trot.
I remember nothing about the shot.Someone drew the bow and the arrow was gone.It was fast,very fast.
The buck charged through the gate and I could see more of the arrow hanging out than I expected.He crashed 40 yds out.I glanced down at my watch-6:50 AM.13 minutes into legal shooting time!
The other antelope milled around trying to figure what happened.Within the next few minutes,I had 5 different bucks within bow range.One nice buck came through the gate and stood broadside,in front of my shooting window at 10 yds.
Then,I checked back where my buck had come from and there stood an 8 pt whitetail buck and he was on the same 2 track the goats had followed.I quickly got another arrow on the string and got ready but he had seen something he didn't like,whirled and took off.