Went to Bullard Creek WMA this morning and climbed on a very hot live oak.I actually climbed on it Tuesday evening but was using a new climber that would not climb the small tree I needed to be in. I climbed a different tree and saw 3 deer that I would have had ten yard shots on had I been in my old stand. I don`t claim to be smart but I was in the old stand this morning. A daylight a racked buck was coming in and caught my wind at about 30 yards out and snuck off. Then 3 does came in and the wind held and I got about an 8 yards shot....I`m purty deadly at 8 yards. The old barren doe was quartering away kinda steep and the Magnus I stuck in the ground on the other side. She ran maybe 80 yards.I almost got a shot on another doe before I got down but she was spooked and came by wide.
Here is the Live oak I was hunting. It rained last night and it looks like 20 deer have been under the stand since the rain.
Here is what an arrow is supposed to look like...Those were yellow feathers..
Here is the old nanny. I been shooting snuffers but out of a 48lb bow I decided to go with the Magnus I head for a better chance of an exit.
And as always when hunting near a River I got to get a pic.The Majestic Altamaha...RC