I now grow my own pawpaws. They grow abundently in NC and other states around here. I dug up two from a creek named Pawpaw Creek which, as the name suggest, has a lot of them growing along it's bank. Then I got two other varieties from a nursery. This is the first year that I had more then I could eat and give away. My favorite is one called a mango pawpaw. It's larger, and has a good flavor.
This year is the first year that something has been eating the pawpaws. None of them that fell from the trees were still there the next day. Both deer and groundhogs have been seen in the yard. Probably both of them have had their share.
As of last week, all of the pawpaws on these trees are now gone. I'd estimate there was over a bushel of them on the five trees in the yard. I'd recommend them for edible landscaping for human or animal consumption. Also, they are a lot more prolific when you plant them where they have little competition.