No big story here, but I shot a small doe with a snuffer today. I was in a treestand and she was only around 4 yards from the tree. I don't normally like to take shots this steep, but I felt pretty confident. I hit just a little high and broke one of the ribs next to the spine on entry, but the arrow still penetrated up to the fletching, with a good bit sticking out the bottom of the chest. No damage to the broadhead. The deer ran around 15 yards and started flopping around, so I drove another arrow into her while she was struggling, even though I'm sure I didn't have to. This arrow went through the soft part of one scapula and smashed the off shoulder scapular spine. This broadhead got bent a bit. Here are some pics. The arrow shows all of the fletching bloody, but that is because I pulled it through. Sorry, no pic of the doe. I left my camera at home.

Oh, yeah. I shot her with my 56@28 td vortex longbow with mfx classic 400, 200 grain total weight up front.