I had typed most of a long story, when my screen just flashed and my text was gone!
On my two previous deer hunts, I didn't see a deer.
I had bike trouble on the 2.5 mile solo ride this morning. I almost ran over two big boars feeding in the road, in two different spots.
I got to my destination much later than planned. There were three deer in the plot I was using to enter the swamp. I stalked up to the edge of the woods. One of the does headed my way and I made a good 20 yard shot. I heard her crash twice and then nothing. Complete pass through and my arrow was dripping bright red from it's whole length. I left the arrow and headed for my persimmons. She would be close when I returned.
No fruit on the trees, so I back tracked to some water oaks that were dropping and a big, fresh scrape. I almost died climbing the tree with Warren's drill and spikes. I was over-heated big time. I recovered somewhat, and rattled in this little buck. I made a perfect high heart shot on him at 25 yards. He was nose plowing within 50 yards.
I butchered him, packed him, and headed back to the doe. Besides the arrow, I found no further sign. Nothing, nada, zilch! I did a body search for an hour and a half. I was now out of water. I had to push my bike out, as the de-railer was big time broken. I almost died again before getting to the truck. I drank a gallon of water by noon. I didn't get back to the truck until 2 pm. I saw two turkeys and a huge bobcat in the road on my way back. Did I say it was hot?
This little buck is a yearling. His buds are sporting spikes and forks. I'm mighty proud of him though. All 100# of him. I do regret losing the doe. I don't know what happened.