I'm home! Certainly one of the good parts of any trip!
I've posted my logs to the Old Phartt's site. I'm going to post the links as a separate thread, but I know you guys are anxious, so here's a copy of the post I sent a bit ago to the HH Longbowmen:
>>>Urgghhhh.... That's the sound of someone who got in from a very, very long day of air travel at 2 a.m. and just got up to over 400 total emails in the various in-boxes... But I'm getting there!
FANTASTIC ADVENTURE!!! And, yes, I'm shouting 8^) I kept a very voluminous web log and processed it as I went, so it was close to ready for posting when i got home. I went over it quickly this morning and posted.... four long, connected pages.
The structure is kind of complex. It turned out the easiest way to do it was to write a daily (more or less) narrative, then supplement that with picture layouts with additional comments. I really think that if you read the narratives, then the pictures, you should have a heck of a feeling of coming on the hunt with me.
If you're new in the last month and haven't read the start of the Big Bad Wolf Adventure, here's a link to the beginning:
http://oldpharttsarchery.com/shooting-adventures/bigbadwolf/bigbadwolf.html The story of the hunt itself has been added to that page and can be accessed from it, or, if you have already read that part, here is a link that starts with the beginning of the actual hunt:
http://oldpharttsarchery.com/shooting-adventures/bigbadwolf/7thagehunt/7thage-1.html OK... now I can get a shower, shave, a cup of coffee and a pipe. I'll be really interested in hearing your reactions and/or questions and will then settle in to answer, discuss, fill in, or whatever.
Thanks, Curtis and all you guys... it was great!