Shot my first elk yesterday evening and I did it with my longbow! I am almost in shock!
What a day I had yesterday. In the morning we called in a bull and he came in head-on at 10yds and never presented a shot. So in the afternoon I sat a waterhole and it was a very eventful evening.
I had 2 cows and 5 bulls come in. I shot a nice 5x5 at 10yds. I got him coming to my cow calling and spike squeals. I hit him at the top of the lungs. While I was waiting to get out of the stand after I shot the bull, a chocolate phase bear with two yearling cubs came in. She was sniffing my arrow shaft that broke and fell out of the bull. After an hour wait we started tracking him and couldn't find blood last night so we backed out and went back in this morning to track him. I knew that with my shot on the high side and no exit hole, that the blood would be sparse or non-existent. We found him 30ft from where we had stopped last night.
What a great feeling! After 5 times of elk hunting with my compound and never harvesting an elk and then to switch back to traditional and make it happen is just that much sweeter! I will post some pics when I get home from my hunt. I used a Full Force longbow. 55lbs @ 28" Heritage 250 arrows tipped with 150gr Woodsman Elite broadheads