Day 2:
You may see this pic more than once, but showing it now because it shows much of the slope Gary and I covered on Day 2. We crossed the creek at the beaver dam (about center of pic), crossed some meadows and headed up the NE side of the mountain. The mountain on the left is the one we went up.
Once we got through the meadows the terrain became steeper as we went up.

When we reached about 9200 feet there was no way to go up any further! So we worked our way West before heading back down.
This is what was above us.

A little further on I had a grouse who was trying to give me a heart attack. Twice he jumped up right in front of me. There wasn't gonna be a third time! I came to a small drainage that was higher on the opposite side. Looked up and that grouse was peeking over the top at me. I grabbed a blunt and slowly came up the rise. He was 15 yards away in some grass. Arrow flew just over his back. Since I didn't have another blunt, I nocked a arrow with one of my 3 blade broadheads and nailed him. He flew about 20 yards up into the limbs of a tall fir tree.
I stood there watching him and considering whether it was worth the high possibility of losing an arrow to try and knock him out of the tree. I waved at Gary who was about 30 yards down the slope. As he made his way up to me the grouse started wobbling then fell out of the tree. We had a grand appetizer for dinner that night!