Day 4:
Today we would be hunting with my cousin, little did we know what we were in for! He put us through an endurance challenge that would have killed many a lesser man. In addition, we woke to a blanket of white stuff with more falling from the sky.
My cousin roused us at 5am. We want to hit his tent where he was making coffee and instant oatmeal. He said I have good news and I have bad news. The good news is the coffee and oatmeal is ready, the bad news is I set my clock wrong, it is actually 4am. Oh well! Gave us more time to enjoy the warmth of the wood burning stove!

The snow brought a new feel to the place! And excited us with the possibility of cutting some fresh elk tracks.
Ya know how on day 3, Gary and I had cut straight up the mountain side, well we found out today that there was a trail we could have taken than angled up and would have made for a much easier ascent. That trail would have gotten us most of the way up anyway. But this day our plan was to stay on that trail and head much deeper into the valley.

We worked around a few ridges looking for our quarry. Heard a couple bugles from a long ways off, but still no elk spotted!
When we came to end of one ridge, we decided to work our way down through a valley to get to a trail on the opposite slope. Before crossing the creek, my cousin showed us how there was a trail just on the other side of the creek. what we didn't realize was while the trail may have been 30 yards from the creek running parallel to it, it was also 200 feet up. Probably not the smartest move we made on this trip, but we proceeded to climb that grassy slope that was covered with snow and ice. We should have crossed back over the creek and headed back up the ridge we had just come down, but I do have to say there was quit a bit of pride in reaching that trail.
This should give you a bit of an idea of what we climbed.

my cousin and I catching our breath after the climb.

view to our West

This trail would take us to another trail that would eventually take us back to camp. A little ways along it we came to a sheer drop with a beautiful view. Noticed how white the background is...guess I should have checked my camera for a snow setting.