This is a bit of a zombie thread but dang it - knives are cool! If the OP still cares, this is the assortment of sharp, pointy (non arrow-mounted) objects I plan to carry this year. All three of these are high on quality and low on cost and two of the three (I'll leave it to you to guess which) are made in the USA.

Top to bottom those are:
* Becker BK-2 - this is for the majority of my bushcraft needs and for administering coups de grace to squirrels, rabbits, etc.
* Victorinox Huntsman - always in my pocket anyway, why not for hunting? For additional bushcraft things, fixing stuff, opening soft drinks, snacks, my thumb occasionally, and so on.
* Becker BK-11 - this will be my first season with a neck knife and this one's a dandy. I hope to use the Becker Necker this year for field dressing duty, if I'm fortunate enough to put deer on the deck.