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Author Topic: Great 2-Day Hunt / Video added  (Read 578 times)

Offline Landshark160

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Great 2-Day Hunt / Video added
« on: September 26, 2009, 08:47:00 PM »
Got a call from RC Thursday morning inviting me to head up to Ocmulgee WMA with him to hunt for a couple days.  I threw my stuff together as quick as I could and drove over to meet up with him in Hazlehurst.  As soon as he pulled up, I transferred my junk into the back of his truck and we were on the road shortly before 10 AM.  Let me back up.  Originally the plan was to head to Oaky Woods WMA.  We drove there initially, and after a quick drive through, Robert didn’t like what he saw and felt more confident with Ocmulgee.  So back across the river we went.  When we arrived, we quickly set up camp and then headed out to do some scouting.  We decided to walk the rest of the day and try to locate several spots showing good sign.

With all the recent rain, the river was flooded and helped eliminate some ground.  We found some hot persimmons, sawtooth oaks, and some crabapples that were showing decent sign since the last rain.  We also checked some drainages that can’t help but be smoking hot once the white oaks start falling.  

We had just dropped off into a bottom when we heard what, at first, sounded like limbs breaking.  Robert quickly recognized the sound to be a hog busting hickory nuts.  If you’ve never heard this before, it’s pretty loud.  We later determined this pig was probably 75 yards away when we heard the first “pop”.  We got the wind right and headed toward him with Robert in the lead.  After we had gone about 50 yards, I caught a glimpse of a pig through the brush about 30-40 yards away.  The woods had started to thicken up, and if the wind would hold, we had a pretty good chance of getting close.  We continued to gain ground at an agonizingly slow rate.  We couldn’t actually see the pigs, but could see the cane stalks waving back and forth giving their position away.  All the while, the big boar was busting hickory nuts like he was being paid by the bushel.

Robert suddenly realized that he had his video camera in his pack.  After digging it out, he put me in the lead and stayed right behind hoping to get some good footage.  I went super slow, trying not to get busted by an unseen pig.  Eventually, the cane started to clear in the distance and I could see the big boar, and I mean trophy, up on a rise under a hickory tree.  Robert estimated hit at 250+.  I scanned the surrounding area trying to locate every pig in the group.  Once I felt sure I could advance without spooking them, I headed toward the closest target.  15 yards, 12 yards, 10 yards.  Too thick.  I actually got within 8-9 yards of the nearest pig but could not find an opening through which I was confident I could send an arrow.  Suddenly I was aware that the pig was looking right at me.  I froze in a stone cold pose.  He gave me a staredown for a good minute or so before deciding he needed to be somewhere else.  With a low “woof”, he trotted away from me and stopped out about 25 yards away.  Still no shot.  I though the jig was up, but none of the other pigs paid him any attention.   I guess he wasn’t sure his fear was legitimate, as he headed over closer to the main body of the group and went back to feeding.  After waiting just a minute to make sure they were relaxed, I went right at them.  The first pig I had a clear shot at was the big boar.  He was standing broadside up the hill, looking like a rhino.  The “pop, pop” of the hickory nuts was intimidating.  I had almost decided to take the 30 yard shot at him when another pig started heading my way.  I immediately shifted my focus.  The pig walked into an opening at about 15 yards, but was obscured by a patch of cane.  I could just make out his front leg, but not really the bottom of his chest or “the pocket“.  I picked a spot I thought would work, drew and released.  The pig went down in his tracks and started squealing.  I turned to see if Robert had filmed the shot, and he was giving me signs to nock another arrow.  I glanced back to see the big boar charging down the hill toward the fallen pig.  About the time I got another arrow on the string, the boar wheeled and trotted off.

We took some pictures of the dead boar which Robert estimated weighed around 130#.  After a little video show and tell, I quartered him up and we packed out to the truck.  I was definitely glad I hadn’t shot the trophy boar, as this pig was all the load I could want to carry.  Heck of a good start to a great hunt.  

Don’t know how the video turned out because it was so thick it made for hard filming.  Robert has the pictures of the pig, and bunch of other cool pictures from the hunt, so it's his turn to post.

The benefits of a big broadhead are most evident when things go wrong. - CTS

Offline bluegrassbowhunter

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Re: Great 2-Day Hunt / Video added
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2009, 08:57:00 PM »
Chris you & Robert are a deadly combination...congrats on that hog & looking forward to seeing the video....what head was ya using this time?
"Life,Liberty & the pursue of deer & turkeys."

Offline Landshark160

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Re: Great 2-Day Hunt / Video added
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2009, 09:09:00 PM »
Originally posted by bluegrassbowhunter:
....what head was ya using this time?
190 gr. Simmons Interceptor

The benefits of a big broadhead are most evident when things go wrong. - CTS

Offline RC

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Re: Great 2-Day Hunt / Video added
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2009, 09:35:00 PM »
Here is the boar Chris killed. I`m a poor photo fella and did`nt get a whole lotta video of the pigs It was awful thick. I did get the BIG boar on film some. One of the biggest swamp hogs you`ll see.RC


Offline Shinken

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Re: Great 2-Day Hunt / Video added
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2009, 10:00:00 PM »
Swwweeeeeeeeeeetttttt shootin' right there!

Man, it is dinner time here and I am ready for some BBQ!

Thanks for sharin' the great hunt!

Shoot straight, Shinken
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Offline RC

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Re: Great 2-Day Hunt / Video added
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2009, 11:42:00 PM »
Thought I`d show a few pics from our hunt....a redneck shower.


and sign of a bear...


Offline RC

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Re: Great 2-Day Hunt / Video added
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2009, 11:44:00 PM »
How about this oak that looks like its trying to be spooky..

Offline RC

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Re: Great 2-Day Hunt / Video added
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2009, 11:48:00 PM »
I`ll let Chris talk about this pic..


Offline Benny Nganabbarru

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Re: Great 2-Day Hunt / Video added
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2009, 12:42:00 AM »
TGMM - Family of the Bow

Offline Landshark160

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Re: Great 2-Day Hunt / Video added
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2009, 01:01:00 AM »
Now the rest of the story....

The next morning we talked it over and decided to scout some more instead of climbing.  Just after first good light, we pulled up to a spot, grabbed our bows and headed out.  Walking down a dim road, we had just gotten out of sight of the truck when we heard some turkeys cut loose.  We paused to look around and I caught some movement.  Just a glimpse of a black form through the brush.   Of course, turkey was the first thing that came to my mind.  I told Robert I had seen a turkey heading as if to cross the road we were on.  We stood there and watched a pig cross the road about 30 yards in front of us.  Just as he hit the road, he caught our scent and was gone.  My mistake may have cost us that one.  We shrugged it off and continued on.  Shortly, we hit the edge of the flooded swamp.  We cut back to skirt around a finger of water and a pig exploded from the other side of the finger.  It was one of those mornings where the wind followed at our backs no matter which way we turned.  We completed our loop without finding anything worth climbing over.  

Later that morning, after making another loop, we were climbing up and out of a bottom through a ridge of thick planted pines.  All of a sudden we heard a hog crash off on a short run away from us.  We froze and just looked and listened for a minute.  Directly, I glimpsed movement through the brush about 25-30 yards away.  We moved toward them, but had to cross a deep drain to get to them.  Once across, I again saw movement about 25 yards ahead.  It was THICK.  We split up.  Robert went to the left and I to the right.  He was trying to slip up on a pig he could see down in another drain.  As I was easing forward, I saw a pig rise up out of its bed and look in Robert’s direction.  It knew something was up and got out of there in a hurry.  

We headed back to camp for a few minutes and then got right back to scouting.  We found some more good crabapples that were being hit, but they were right on the road and would have been hard to hunt.  The next bottom we hit had fresh hog sign.  It looked like we might get on pigs any minute, but we never did run into them.  We came to a ravine that had a natural funnel crossing on it that looked like it could have been hundreds of years old.  I could almost see Indians setting up an ambush here.  We made a steep climb up and out, using the roots of trees to pull ourselves up.  It was getting close to time to climb for the evening, so we headed back to camp to get ready.

Robert decided to sit over some sawtooth oaks that were showing red-hot sign, while I was to sit over some crabapples that looked good.  He dropped me off at my spot.  I strapped on my gear and started my walk.  They had recently cut some timber in this area, and I stumbled across the clearcut toward where I would climb.  The only good tree I could go up was about 15 yards or so to the east of the crabapples.  Luckily, the wind was perfect.  I made my way up the tree and hung my stand.  After a little trimming, I had an unobstructed shot to the food.  I felt like I would be fine as long as the deer didn’t come from directly in front of me down a logging road.  From there, I felt like I would stand out like a sore thumb.

It was HOT.  For the first hour or so after I got settled in, sweat was pouring off of me.  Bead after bead dripped from my nose.  I sat there with the sun bearing down directly in my face.  When it finally dropped behind the tree tops, it was instant relief.  At around 7:15, I caught the flicker of a tail about 100 yards away in the edge of a small clearcut.  I switched on my video camera and zoomed in.  When it came out from behind a small clump of trees, I could see it was a doe.  She was alone, and eating on some of the fresh browse that had popped up in the clearing.  She was in no hurry.  She made her way across the small opening and slightly closer to me.  I had a good idea she would make her way toward me and the crabapples.  The problem was that she was going to be coming directly down the logging road from the direction I felt the most conspicuous.  Afraid she might catch my movement, I quickly decided to film her until I saw her commit to the road, then pause the recording until she made it to the crabapple tree.  I did just that.  As soon as she turned down the road, I leaned back against the trunk of the tree and made like a statue.  When she made it to the tree, I slowly leaned forward and hit record.  I could hear her crunching the crabapples.  I zoomed in on her and began looking for my opportunity to shoot.  When everything felt right, I began my draw.  The top limb of my bow will creak from time to time.  When I got to half draw, I heard it pop.  She never paid it any attention.  I picked a spot behind the front leg, settled in, and sent the razor sharp Simmons TreeShark on it’s death flight.  I watched the yellow feathers disappear in her, and saw her kick like she had been heart shot.  She busted out of there on a short run of about 40 yards.  Everything got quiet, then I heard her go down.

I waited on Robert to go with me to retrieve her.  Not because I needed the help, but because I wanted to share the blood trail with someone who could appreciate it.  It was about as good as it gets.  After a few pictures and some video show and tell, I field quartered her and we headed back to camp.  After missing the opportunity to film the deer I killed Monday afternoon, I was extremely proud of the footage I got this time.  Hope y’all enjoy it.







The benefits of a big broadhead are most evident when things go wrong. - CTS

Offline Shinken

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Re: Great 2-Day Hunt / Video added
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2009, 01:22:00 AM »
Nice video footage Chris and a very nice shot!

Thanks for takin' us along!

Shoot straight, Shinken
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Re: Great 2-Day Hunt / Video added
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2009, 05:32:00 AM »
Way to go Chris...congrats on two fine critters and shots    :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:
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Re: Great 2-Day Hunt / Video added
« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2009, 06:47:00 AM »
Awesome hunt guys!  You guys should cherish the time you are able to hunt together.  A good hunting partner makes it that much sweeter!
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Offline bentpole

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Re: Great 2-Day Hunt / Video added
« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2009, 07:40:00 AM »
Wow! Congrats and a great video.A well placed shot with a big broadhead makes for a speedy recovery! Way to go!

Offline Chris Surtees

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Re: Great 2-Day Hunt / Video added
« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2009, 07:55:00 AM »
:thumbsup:     :thumbsup:

Offline VTer

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Re: Great 2-Day Hunt / Video added
« Reply #15 on: September 27, 2009, 08:05:00 AM »
Nice deer and good footage. Maybe even good enough to win a "Womack"!
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Re: Great 2-Day Hunt / Video added
« Reply #16 on: September 27, 2009, 10:35:00 AM »
Thanks for sharing Chris...good stuff there.  Great shot!
TGMM Family of the Bow


Randy Keene
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Offline Landshark160

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Re: Great 2-Day Hunt / Video added
« Reply #17 on: September 28, 2009, 12:05:00 PM »
Thanks fellas.  Thought I'd mention that the bloodtrail on this deer was 4 ft. wide and waist high in places.  TreeSharks work really well.  :)

The benefits of a big broadhead are most evident when things go wrong. - CTS

Offline jcar315

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Re: Great 2-Day Hunt / Video added
« Reply #18 on: September 28, 2009, 12:23:00 PM »
Congrats again!!! Sounds like an awesome time. Video was super cool. Fast bow as I could not even see the arrow. Hog hunting sounded like a blast too!!!   Thanks for sharing.
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Re: Great 2-Day Hunt / Video added
« Reply #19 on: September 28, 2009, 03:26:00 PM »
very well done   congrats

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