Now I'm disgusted and make my way back to the truck. Just before dark, Tim and Steve made their way out as well. I'm the only one who saw elk but Steve told of seeing not one but eight moose including a 30 yard encounter with a big bull. Not what we're after but exciting just the same. We agree to hunt about a half mile down the road the next day and hit it bright and early.
This is the last day so we agree to be back around lunch time. Steve and I go left and Tim goes right. We don't see any elk but we do encounter some more moose which have obviously taken over this basin.

When we got back to the truck, Tim is already there and visibly shaken. As he relays his story, we can't help but laugh as he explains that if you encounter a bull moose at 15 yards, don't take his picture. I wish I had a copy of his photo because it is sure a good one! After that, we break down our camp and began the 13 hour drive home.
This is the spot where I should be posting my hero picture........ but it was not to be. I do consider this trip a success because we were able to see bighorn sheep, antelope, deer, elk and several moose. Had we been moose hunting, I truly believe we would have all been successful.
I did manage to get within 75 yards of at least 4 elk which is a mini victory for me and one that has me hooked. We'll be back next year and I'll try and make the story a little shorter.
Thanks for reading and all the help. Congrats to everyone who was successful this year, I have a new respect for just what that must take. Deer season opens here on Thursday so I'm stoked about that.