Chris and I got back from a two day hunt on Ocmulgee WMA today at about noon....story on another thread. I got my stuff unpacked and put away and got a well needed shower and a power nap on the couch.
I coud`nt get a water oak I checked about 4 days ago off my mind.It was pouring and had several piles of deer droppings under it. I`ve never killed a deer on the couch so I grabbed my gear and headed out.
I got up the tree and settled in it was hot. sweat was dripping from nose for about an hour then it began to cool some. I heard a buck rubbing a tree behind me and then heard him coming. He walked behind me and I though he was gonna go on by but he made a 90 degree turn and walked straight to the oak. He got sideways at maybe 6-8 yards and got drilled. The Mag I came out very low on the other side and he did`nt go 25 yards . Sweet afternoon..RC